經過多方比較後,發現【非凡樂器】ROLAND樂蘭USB介面傳輸線(UM-ONE)曾在 momo購物網 生活用品 購物網產品類造成搶購熱潮,
購物網 商品訊息簡述:
?1-in/1-out MIDI interface with high-performance FPT processing
?Super compact, affordable, and easy to use
?Data indicators for both MIDI input and output
?Conveniently integrated USB and MIDI cables
?USB bus powered
【非凡樂器】ROLAND樂蘭USB介面傳輸線(UM-ONE)早就是暢銷的明星商品,還沒有用過的這邊介紹一下,【非凡樂器】ROLAND樂蘭USB介面傳輸線(UM-ONE)吸引我的最大因素,除了好用之外,我覺得它的CP值高到破錶了呀! 【非凡樂器】ROLAND樂蘭USB介面傳輸線(UM-ONE)更多詳細的資訊這邊請:
momo購物網 商品訊息功能:
- 品號:1540763
- USB MIDI Interface
- Three new USB Interfaces
momo購物網 商品訊息描述
From Roland, the pioneer of the computer MIDI interface, comes a trio of state-of-the-art USB interfaces for Mac and PC.
TRI-CAPTURE is a unique audio interface optimized for personal and mobile recording, vocal and guitar recording, and streaming-internet applications. With its mixer-like design and dedicated front-panel controls, TRI-CAPTURE makes it easy to mix, control, and monitor a variety of signals.
DUO-CAPTURE is a USB audio interface equipped with two audio inputs and two audio outputs. The dual headphone outs are perfect for side-by-side musician/engineer sessions, with no additional mixing hardware required.
The USB-powered UM-ONE MIDI interface provides 1-in/1-out MIDI interfacing with high-performance FPT processing. Compatible with Mac and PC, the UM-ONE is simple to use, super compact, reliable, and affordable.
購物網 商品網址:
【愛.巴黎uxur】大眼妹-USB暖暖滑鼠墊(X2) 強打活動 | 【愛.巴黎uxur】卡哇伊-暖暖手USB暖暖滑鼠墊X2(卡卡) 秋冬流行品 | 【秘境】鄉村Zaaka風格布質門片掛飾(My Room) |
【愛.巴黎uxur】卡哇伊-暖暖手USB暖暖滑鼠墊X2(哇哇任選) | 【秘境】鄉村Zaaka風格布質門片掛飾(Toilet) | 【秘境】鄉村Zaaka風格門片掛板(Toilet) |
【秘境】鄉村Zaaka風格布質門片掛飾(Wellcome) | 【秘境】鄉村Zaaka風格門片掛板(Wellcom) | 【Just Home】喵喵雪尼爾360度清潔刷(附替換布) |
【愛.巴黎uxur】卡哇伊-暖暖手USB暖暖滑鼠墊X2(伊伊任選) | 【HomeBeauty】色彩創意彈性沙發套(2+3人座-咖啡) | 【HomeBeauty】色彩創意彈性沙發套(XS-蘋果綠) |
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